WHO I WASN'T exhibition
Paintings by Vitaly Koluzayev, Yulia Kosulnikova, Yury Kozlov, Alexey Sakhnov, Yury Zelenko, Alexander Chellak.
Who I Wasn't - is an exhibition-presentation of the project Shirota I Dolgota /Latitude and longitude/ in Moscow.
The exposition presents the works of artists who are in constant social isolation; all of them are residents of psychoneurological boarding houses in St. Petersburg.
Shirota I Dolgota is an association of artists, art historians and curators who are passionate about finding and supporting amateur art.
The project seeks out and supports artists who are socially excluded. These are people who are treated in psychiatric hospitals, live in psycho-neurological boarding houses (PNI, wh ere people after 18 years of age with mental and/or physical disabilities are placed), or in villages and villages that are difficult to access.
Exhibition’s curators Sasha Kulak and Julia Kurmangalina
Winzavod CCA, 2020